Conservation Drainage
Throughout Illinois and other parts of the Midwest, farmers are increasingly investing in tile drainage systems to improve productivity and trafficability of their fields. Conservation drainage practices such as bioreactors, controlled drainage systems, saturated buffers, and constructed wetlands, are designed to capture and treat drainage from tile outlets, providing effective and often long-term nutrient loss reduction benefits.
FarmDoc Daily
FarmDoc is a program of the University of Illinois Extension that aims to provide U.S. Corn Belt crop and livestock producers with constant access to integrated infromation and expertise to better manage their farm businesses. FarmdocDAILY aims to publish short, daily articles on a variety of agricultural topics.
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SWCS Controlled Drainage Video
This video, in the SWCS Conservation Media Library, shows how conservation drainage provides more control and additional benefits to your fields.
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University of Illinois Woodchip Bioreactor
Simple woodchip-filled trenches called bioreactors can clean nitrogen pollution from water. Find out more from Dr. Laura Christianson of the University of Illinois as she talks about one of her favorite ideas.
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ADMC Bioreactor
This ADMC webpage provides information on bioreactors including considerations for installation and financial impacts.
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NRCS Bioreactor Conservation Practice Standard Factsheet
This one page factsheet from NRCS provides an overview of woodchip bioreactors, how they fuction, and the benefits they provide.
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NRCS Conservation Drainage
The NRCS Conservation Drainage webpage provides an overview of several conservation drainage practices, research, and additional resources.
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