Financial Incentives Directories
ISAP has developed three incentive directories to share financial payment opportunities that are available to farmers in Illinois for adopting conservation practices such as cover crops, saturated buffers, and constructed wetlands. By listing programs opportunities side by side, ISAP's goal is to allow farmers to be able to compare programs and select the option that is best for their operation.
ISAP aims to provide farmers with transparent and practical information to increase their confidence in evaluating incentive payment opportunities. ISAP does not endorse any particular program or company. ISAP's role is to facilitate data sharing among our farmer networks.
ISAP’s Cover Crop Incentives Directory
ISAP’s Cover Crop Incentives Directory provides an overview of cover crop incentive payment opportunities for farmers in Illinois. The directory includes both publicly and privately funded programs as well as a “Stacking Matrix” so farmers can easily determine if they may be eligible to stack payments from multiple programs. If there is information in the directory that needs to be updated, please contact ISAP at
ISAP’s Edge of Field Incentives Directory
ISAP’s Edge-of-Field Incentives Directory provides an overview of edge-of-field (EoF) incentive payment opportunities for farmers in Illinois. EoF practices are defined as those practices which intercept, capture, and treat subsurface drainage (conservation drainage practices) or surface runoff at the field level. The conservation drainage practices include bioreactors, constructed wetlands for tile-drainage treatment, drainage water management, drainage water recycling, and saturated buffers. Surface runoff practices include vegetated riparian buffers, filter strips, prairie strips, and restored wetlands. The directory also includes a “Stacking Matrix” so farmers can easily determine if they may be eligible to stack payments from multiple programs.
An Overview of Voluntary Carbon Markets for Illinois Farmers
ISAP compiled “An Overview of Voluntary Carbon Markets for Illinois Farmers” to assist farmers and farm advisors in their evaluation of multiple market opportunities available in Illinois. This update includes additional carbon market opportunities available to Illinois farmers, summaries of 15 different voluntary carbon markets, a glossary of key terms, and a list of relevant resources.