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Lake Springfield Watershed 2022 “Lunch and Learn” Series

Join the Lake Springfield RCPP for a Lunch and Learn Series on the 2nd Wednesday of each month @ Noon CT

Zoom: Link Meeting ID: 834 0269 8147 Passcode: 106405

For questions contact: Sangamon County SWCD
(217) 241-6635 ext. 3
Shelly Seman michelle.seman@il.nacdnet.net
Jake Vancil jake.vancil@il.nacdnet.net

February 9, 2022 – “Best Management Practices for Water Quality and Soil Health”
Jean Brokish – American Farmland Trust’s Midwest Program Manager
Jean will provide an introduction to water quality in Illinois with connections between water quality and soil health, including an overview of conservation practices that improve soil health and water quality and support more profitable and resilient farms.

March 9, 2022 – “Carbon Market Considerations: Opportunities and Challenges”
Jean Brokish – American Farmland Trust’s Midwest Program Manager
Jean will provide an overview of current and future opportunities in carbon markets at multiple scales including: 1) defining key terms, players and motivations; 2) summarizing current approaches to program design; and 3) highlighting considerations for producers, ag professionals, and university and agency staff as they continue to navigate this rapidly
evolving space.

May 11, 2022 – “Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) and Section 404 Permitting Update
How WOTUS Rules Might Impact Your Farm”
Jim Kelley (US Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District) & Kamren Metzger (USACE, St. Louis District)
Jim and Kamren will coordinate this presentation to provide information on the current Waters Of The US rules and the latest information on proposed changes to these rules that are now under consideration and how the proposed WOTUS rules might impact your farm and its operations.

June 8, 2022 – “Water Quality Best Management Practices–How These BMPs Can Improve Your Farm”
Dr. Laura Gentry – Director of Water Quality Research for IL Corn Growers Association
Dr. Gentry will discuss the importance of implementing water quality Best Management Practices on your farm and how the Precision Conservation Management (PCM) Program can provide information on conservation practices and financial data to help farmers understand how specific management changes can impact both their environmental impact and their bottom line.

July 13, 2022 – “Farm Leasing with Conservation Considerations and Landowner’s Responsibilities”
Mark Cochran and Andrew White, Attorneys with Bellatti, Barton, Cochran & White LLC
Mark and Andrew will provide their expertise in agricultural law on farm leasing with conservation considerations, landowners’ responsibilities for their farms, environmental compliance, government farm programs, electric and gas utility easements and conservation easements.

August 10, 2022 – “Solar and Wind Projects: Pros & Cons: Effects on Water Quality, Drainage and the Environment”
Mark Cochran and Andrew White, Attorneys with Bellatti, Barton, Cochran & White LLC
Mark and Andrew will provide important information on what you need to know before signing solar and wind contracts on your land, the potential long term impacts (35+ years) and how to protect your property.

September 14th –“ Effectiveness of Urban vs Rural Stormwater Best Management Practices”
Bryan Cross, and Joe Bartletti, members of the IL Lake Management Association and the Lochmueller Group
Bryan and Joe will discuss the effectiveness of urban and rural stormwater BMPs, plus a case history for a rural stormwater treatment train to reduce nutrient loading.

November 9th – “Woodland Improvement and Invasive Species Removal”
Vern LaGesse, Friends of the Sangamon Valley’s Executive Director
Vern will provide information on how to improve and protect your woodlands from soil erosion and what a healthy woodland should look like. He will identify the primary invasive species that are causing damage to our woodlands and how to effectively remove them.

  • Event Date & Time

    November 9, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm UTC+0

    |Recurring Event (See all)

    An event every month that begins at 12:00 pm on day Second of the month, repeating until November 9, 2022

  • Event Location

  • Cost


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