Illinois Crop Management Conference – Malta
What do you need to know for the 2020 growing season?
The University of Illinois will address several key topics at four regional Crop Management Conferences around the state in January and February. The meetings will provide a forum for discussion and interaction between participants, University of Illinois researchers, and Extension educators.
Conference dates and locations are:
Jan. 22 DoubleTree by Hilton, Mount Vernon
Jan. 29 Brookens Auditorium at University of Illinois, Springfield
Feb. 4 I-Hotel, Champaign
Feb. 12 Kishwaukee College, Malta
2020 topics and presenters include:
• “It’s Tough Out There: Supporting Farmers and Promoting Mental Health” by Josephine Rudolphi, U of I Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering
• “Illinois Weather Review: A Look Back at 2019 & Expectations for 2020 and Beyond” by Trent Ford, Illinois State Water Survey, State Climatologist
• “How Should We Manage Today’s Corn Hybrids?” by Emerson Nafziger, U of I Department of Crop Sciences, Professor Emeritus
• “Updates in Field Crop Disease Management” by Nathan Kleczewski, U of I Department of Crop Sciences
• “The New Era of Herbicide Resistance… and You Thought the Last Era was Difficult” by Aaron Hager, U of I Department of Crop Sciences
• “What’s the Real Deal with Cover Crops & Soybean Cyst Nematode?” by Chelsea Harbach, U of I Extension
• “Insect Management in Corn and Soybeans” by Nick Seiter, U of I Department of Crop Sciences
• “Hemp, What Have We Learned in 2019?” by Talon Becker (Mt. Vernon), Jessica Soule (Springfield), and Phillip Alberti (Malta, Champaign), U of I Extension
Certified crop advisers can earn up to eight hours of continuing education credit. Advance registration, no later than one week before each conference, is $100 per person. Late and on-site registration is $120.
Register for the conferences online at: https://go.aces.illinois.edu/IL2020CMC.
— University of Illinois Extension
Event Date & Time
February 12, 2020 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm UTC+0
Event Location
Kishwaukee College Conference Center -