Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy | Water Quality

Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy: What Farmers Need to Know

Following the release of the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy (NLRS) 2023 Biennial Report in December, many famers and farm advisors have been left to wonder: What does this mean for my farm? What does this mean for Illinois agriculture? What can I do to help Illinois achieve our goals? One of the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership’s (ISAP) primary efforts is to support Illinois agriculture in achieving the goals of NLRS by equipping farmers and farm advisors with the technical expertise and necessary resources to successfully transition to a profitable conservation cropping system. In this session, ISAP and University of Illinois Extension will provide an overview of the NLRS, highlight findings from the recent report, and share ISAP and Extension resources developed to support farmers in adopting farming practices which reduce nutrient loss while also building soil health.