Our Partner Spotlight for the month of November is Illinois Corn! Illinois Corn is made up of two farmer-led organizations that serve corn farmers in Illinois: IL Corn Growers Association (ICGA) and IL Corn Marketing Board (ICMB). ICGA represents the interests of corn farmers in Illinois to create a future in which they can operate freely, responsibly, and successfully, while ICMB is focused on growing demand, creating new markets, and fostering an understanding of corn farmers and the corn industry. Through these two organizations, Illinois Corn seeks to position corn farmers to “create and capture profit opportunities, preserve their independence, and prosper for generations.”
Illinois Corn Growers Association was a founding member of the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership in 2015 and has been a strong supporter of the Partners programs since then. ICGA’s technical expertise and direct relationship with corn growers across the state of Illinois advances ISAP’s capacity to engage with farmers to promote the adoption of in-field practices to improve soil health and water quality. ICGA staff provide critical leadership on ISAP governance committee, ensuring operating procedures for the 15-member organization partnership that drive sound decision making and ensure active engagement.
Upcoming Annual Meeting
Next week, ICGA will host their Annual Meeting in Bloomington, IL. The meeting will feature presentations from leading experts on issues impacting Illinois corn growers, including an update on the conflict in Ukraine and its impact on both U.S. and global agriculture, considerations for upcoming farm bill 2023 negotiations given the results of the midterm elections, and how changing weather patterns will impact Illinois river and agriculture. You can review the agenda here, and no RSVP is required to attend.
Stay updated on all corn and ag news by subscribing to the new IL Corn TV! IL Corn is producing weekly news segments on their YouTube channel covering issues from biofuels to legislation and cover crops to classroom education. Subscribe today!
IL Corn is Hiring!
Interested in advancing conservation for Illinois agriculture? Tired of working an office job and want to get out in the field? Join the Precision Conservation Management (PCM) team. Precision Conservation Management (PCM) is a farmer service program led by the Illinois Corn Growers Association & the Illinois Soybean Association in partnership with over 30 other conservation leaders. The mission of PCM is to facilitate greater adoption of conservation practices on Midwest agricultural fields by investigating the impacts of conservation practice adoption on farm financial stability. The Precision Conservation Specialist will provide technical assistance to enrolled cooperators in the Precision Conservation Management program. Explore the full job descriptions and apply today!