Field Notes

A “Restorative” ISAP Gathering at the Dixon Waterfowl Refuge

Back in June, the quarterly ISAP partner meeting was hosted by The Wetlands Initiative (TWI) at their farmhouse located within TWI’s Sue & Wes Dixon Waterfowl Refuge at Hennepin & Hopper Lakes in Hennepin, IL. After the business portion of the meeting, members were given the opportunity to see and learn more about the Refuge. TWI acquired this 3,000-acre site...

The Impact of Disease Management and Cover Crops on Corn Yields: Research Highlights from Dr. Alison Robertson

On August 14, ICCON was thrilled to be joined by Dr. Alison Robertson, Professor and Extension Field Crops Pathologist with the Iowa State University.  Dr. Robertson was invited to share findings and management recommendations based on her research regarding disease in cover crop systems, primarily cereal rye before corn. Dr. Robertson was inspired by Tom Kaspar's work at USDA-ARS, which...

Considerations to take for Fall Cover Crop Seed Application

Cover crop seeding for corn and soybeans is just around the corner, so it's time to give some consideration to how you will get them applied this fall. There are several ways to seed cover crops, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. You will need to learn what works best for you, your soil, climate, cropping system, and operation....

Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership To Host 2024 Risk Management Conference

The Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership (ISAP) brings together diverse member organizations who work collaboratively to encourage the adoption of sustainable and profitable production practices that improve soil health and restore local waters. Registration is now open for the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership’s (ISAP) third biennial Risk Management Conference (RMC), taking place on Zoom from 9-10:30am on August 1st, 8th, and...