Recent News

ISAP Kicks Off Soil Health Leadership Program with First Training Session

On August 20th and 21st, the first session of the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership Soil Health Leadership Program met in Peoria, IL at Illinois Central College. This two-day meeting included classroom instruction on principles of soil health and soil biology, as well as hands-on, in-field demonstrations on the Illinois Central College campus and on a nearby farm managed using regenerative...

ASHT Cohort Scouts Cover Crop Fields in Fourth Training Session

On Wednesday, April 26th, agriculture professionals met in Bloomington, IL for the fourth Advanced Soil Health Training (ASHT) hosted by the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership (ISAP).  Amidst planting season, this group of conservation specialists, agronomists, and retailers, found time to further their education with a full morning of in-field cover crop training. Just outside of McLean, Illinois, our group visited...

ASHT Cohort Gathers for Two-Day Cover Crop Training

In February, Illinois agriculture professionals gathered at the Illinois Soybean Association in Bloomington for the third session of the 2022-23 Advanced Soil Health Training (ASHT) hosted by the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership (ISAP). The third session in the training series provided education to participants on cover crops and cover crop management. This two-day intensive classroom workshop began with Stacy Zuber,...

ISAP’s Advanced Soil Health Training #2 Focuses on Nutrient Management Considerations

On Wednesday, November 16th a group of professionals from various retailer and ag education backgrounds gathered for the second session of ISAP’s Advanced Soil Health Training at the Piatt County Extension Office in Monticello, IL. As a pre work assignment to the in-person training, the trainees joined a virtual discussion focused on the basics of the Nitrogen Cycle, from the...

Ag Retailers and Educational Professionals Form Cohort of Advanced Soil Health Training

In August, Illinois agriculture professionals came together for the first session of the 2022-23 Advanced Soil Health Training hosted by the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership (ISAP). ISAP developed the Advanced Soil Health Training (ASHT) to support Illinois farmers, retailers, crop advisors, and conservation professionals as they improve their understanding of soil health science and the production management changes needed to...