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Cultivating Connections on Ag Day at the Illinois State Fair
By: Jean McGuire and Rachel Lechuga More than 60 agriculture and conservation professionals, gathered on Ag Day at the Illinois State Fair to connect, collaborate, and learn from one another and leave with new tools to carry out continued work in support of sustainability throughout Illinois agriculture. Sponsored by Midwest Dairy, the event kicked off a furious round of networking...
Connecting Ag Tile Drainage to Conservation
Over the span of a week in late August, three ISAP partners – the Illinois Land Improvement Contractors Association (IL LICA), The Wetlands Initiative (TWI), and Pheasants Forever Quail Forever Illinois (PFQF) - collaborated with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) to build two wetlands in northern Livingston County. Jill Kostel, The Wetlands Initiative (second...