Marbleseed (formerly Midwest Organic And Sustainable Education Service, Inc.)

This multistate project will enroll field crop farmers already engaged in organic grain production or desiring to transition to organic systems. This project will pilot CSAF practices with at least 40 small-scale underserved farmers.

Farm Eligibility

Start Date



IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD, TN, and WI

Eligible Practices
  • Alley Cropping

  • Conservation Cover
  • Conservation Crop Rotation
  • Contour Buffer Strips
  • Cover Crops
  • Field Border
  • Filter Strip
  • Forest Stand Improvement
  • Grassed Waterway
  • Hedgerow Planting
  • Herbaceous Wind Barriers
  • Nutrient Management
  • Pasture and Hay Planting
  • Prescribed Grazing
  • Reduced- or No-Till
  • Riparian Forest Buffer
  • Riparian Herbaceous Cover
  • Upland Wildlife Habitat Management
  • Vegetative Barriers
  • Wildlife Habitat Planting
  • Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment and Renovation

Additionality Requirement

This multistate project will enroll at least 40 field crop farmers already engaged in organic production or desiring to transition to organic systems across 14 states.

Money Matters

Payment Schedule

An enrollment incentive of $8,000 will be paid to each participating farmer for the duration of the project that will compensate farmers for their time and expenses farming, implementing climate-smart agriculture practices, attending the regional Grower Summits, assisting with monitoring greenhouse gas benefits on their farm, and working with Field Service Coordinators.


Does not specify

Stackability (With goverment programs and other markets)

Refer to program category descriptions for general stackability potential. Reach out to the program contact for more information.

Carbon Related Incentive

Not applicable

Contracting Info

Contract Length

Four years: starting in the spring 2023 through the end of the growing season in 2026.

Data Collected at Enrollment

All projects are required to include plans to (1) quantify greenhouse gas (GHG) benefits and (2) monitor/verify those benefits over time.

Enrollment Assistance

Through existing farmer networks and trusted partnerships with farmers, this project will engage and enroll small-scale underserved farmers from the project area’s 14 states. Outreach and communication tools will include newsletters, events, social media and direct interaction.

Agronomic/Technical Assistance

A team of Field Service Coordinators will provide the necessary technical assistance, education and mentorship to participating enrolled farmers so that they can implement and monitor climate smart organic growing practices on their own farms.

Technical Info

Lead Organization


Outcome Estimation

Field Service Coordinators will assist enrolled producers with using the USDA’s online Carbon Management Evaluation Tool (COMET) to evaluate the potential carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas reductions from adopting the organic and crop rotation production practices.


Does not specify

Penalty for Temporary Break in Practice Implementation

Does not specify