PCM Partners,
Happy Spring! We hope that planting season finds everyone well.
PCM Specialists were busy this winter delivering Resource Analysis and Assessment Plans (RAAPs) to our 117 PCM cooperators in Illinois. In Kentucky, Chris Stewart has enrolled 21 farmers and we are working to develop their RAAP reports and provide conservation opportunities for them. We hosted 3 PCM quarterly meetings this winter with great speakers focusing on cover crops. Now, PCM Enrollment Coordinators are gearing up to meet with cooperators after planting to collect 2018 data and enroll new farmers. We have an enrollment goal of 200 farmers in IL and 33 farmers in KY this year.
We’re excited to announce that PCM is expanding our service area to include Piatt, DeWitt, and Macon counties! We are doing this through a partnership with The Nature Conservancy. TNC has committed substantial time, money, and effort to promote greater adoption of conservation practices in IL’s Upper Sangamon River watershed and we’re honored that they have chosen Precision Conservation Management as their engagement partner. Like all great efforts, the relationship between TNC and PCM has built slowly over time as we have worked side by side to develop ways to bring value back to farmers and their land.
We hope you’ll take a few minutes to read about the Spring 2018 PCM Newsletter to read about what staff and cooperators have been working on recently. We also highlight a PCM farmer, Mr. Mike Wurmnest, and another great PCM partner, Agren Inc. We always welcome your input and look forward to working with you in the future as PCM continues to grow.
All the best,
Laura F. Gentry, Ph.D.
Director of Water Quality Research,
IL Corn Growers Association
& Adjunct Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Univ. of IL