Streambank Restoration Workshop
The Illinois Land Improvement Contractors Association (ILICA), with support from the Rock Island Soil & Water Conservation District and the USACE Engineering Research & Development Center (ERDC), is hosting a Streambank Restoration Workshop on September 15th in Illinois City.
With content geared towards advancing the knowledge of conservation technicians, contractors, consultants, and in-field practitioners, the streambank restoration workshop will cover topics including stream dynamics, erosion control, streambank stabilization & restoration BMPs, practice installation, and other tips and techniques. The morning classroom training is provided by Dr. Christopher Haring (ERDC), who will also lead the afternoon tour stops to two local streambank restoration sites to see these practices in action (e.g., LPSTP, bank protection, barbs, floodplain reconnection, outlets).
The workshop runs from 8 am – 4 pm on Thursday, September 15th at the Illinois Community Hall (12206 238th St. W., Illinois City, IL 61259). Anyone engaged in streambank restoration/stabilization efforts, or those simply interested in learning more about these various types of conservation best management practices, is encouraged to attend. Registration is $45 and includes lunch. (ILICA members receive a $10 discount on registration.)
For more information and to register, please visit www.illica.net/events or call Illinois LICA at (309) 932-1230.
Event Date & Time
September 15, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 4:00 pm CDT
Event Location
Illinois Community Hall -