Soil Health & Water Quality Mini-Lobby Day
On Wednesday, May 23rd, producers and Soil Water and Conservation District advocates will head to Springfield to talk to legislators to invest resources in our state’s Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy (NLRS) and support county Soil and Water Conservation Districts.
This “Mini Lobby Day” will make it easy to effectively talk to legislators about the value and need for soil health and conservation measures to protect our water quality and prevent erosion.
The aim will be to generate sponsors of a resolution supporting the NLRS. The resolution asks the NLRS Working Group to offer specific actions that legislators can take to help reach the goal to reduce our nitrogen load by 15% and phosphorus load by 25% by 2025.
The end of the legislative session is quickly approaching so this is one of the few remaining opportunities to talk to legislators at the Capitol this spring.
This opportunity is open to any participants and free. We will meet at the Illinois Stewardship Alliance office for an orientation and brief training before heading to the Capitol nearby. If you are interested, RSVP to Alliance policy organizer Liz Rupel at lizrupel@ilstewards.org or call (217) 528-1563. Please include your address to help us match you with your state legislators.
Event Date & Time
May 23, 2018 @ 10:30 am - 1:00 pm UTC+0
Event Location