Saturated Buffer Field Day
Join the Illinois Land Improvement Contractor’s Association, The Nature Conservancy, the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership, and others from the state’s agricultural, drainage, and conservation communities for the installation of a saturated buffer along the east branch of the Embarras River in Champaign County.
Participants in this open house style field day will have opportunities to view different components of a saturated buffer system and to learn about the site characteristics that make these buffers effective for nitrate removal.
In addition to the saturated buffer installation, industry partners will demonstrate advances in tile technology that can result in more effective water management, and conservation groups will be available to discuss opportunities for managing nutrients in the field and for improving wildlife habitat. Over lunch, Eric Snodgrass, Principal Atmospheric Scientist for Nutrien Ag Solutions, will discuss managing water in a changing climate.
RSVPs are requested. Contact Adrienne Marino (309-636-3322, with questions.
Event Date & Time
June 20, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm UTC+0
Event Location
John Lannon Farm -