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Leadership for Midwestern Watersheds 2023 – Mason City, IA

Do you coordinate efforts to improve water quality in an agricultural watershed in the Midwest? Or, do you support the work of those who do? If so, please join us for Leadership for Midwestern Watersheds, November 8-9 in Mason City, Iowa.

The event will take place at the Historic Park Inn from 9am-5pm on Wednesday, November 8th and 8am-Noon on Thursday, November 9th. Meals are provided, including a group dinner on Wednesday and an optional Tuesday evening social gathering at the hotel. Registration is limited to 70 people.

Click here to view the latest agenda.

For inquiries about registration or lodging, contact Liina Keerd at Lkeerd@sandcountyfoundation.org or 608-215-3804. Please leave a detailed voicemail with the best number to reach you.

For inquires about the agenda or sponsorships, contact Craig Ficenec at cficenec@sandcountyfoundation.org or 608-395-8402.

  • Event Date & Time

    November 8, 2023 @ 9:00 am - November 9, 2023 @ 12:00 pm CST

  • Event Location

  • Cost