ICCON New and Emerging Cover Crops Winter Series: Berseem Clover
With support from the Illinois Nutrient Research and Education Council (NREC), ICCON will be hosting a 4-part winter series exploring “New and Emerging Cover Crops.” The widespread adoption of cover crops in Illinois is critical to achieving the goals of the Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy, but we can’t rely on a one-cover-crop-fits-all-farms solution. We will need options for farmers to choose from that will best fit their unique needs. Looking beyond cereal rye, ICCON’s winter series will feature research, on-farm experience, and insights on 4 different species to expand the possibilities of cover crop adoption across Illinois.
Dr. Kim Cassida, forage and cover crop specialist at Michigan State University, will share her research on berseem clover. Dr. Cassida’s research has focused on comparing different varieties of cover crops and their performance across different environments. She will discuss how berseem clover compared to other annual clovers and other cover crops in factors such as speed of ground cover, biomass production, and termination dates based on research trials conducted at Michigan State’s Kellogg Biological Station
CEUs will be available for this series.
Event Date & Time
February 8, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am CST
Event Location