Hoffman Organic Farm Field Day
Join OGrain of the University of Wisconsin-Madison to discuss cover crops while visiting fields at Hoffman Organic Farm. This event is co-sponsored by The Land Connection.
The event will focus on Paul’s organic field crops, but this family farm has much more to offer including organic vegetables and grass-fed lamb and beef. The cover crop conversations will include frost seeded red clover post wheat harvest, pasture grasses with winter wheat, and cash cover cropping for buckwheat seed production while including pearl millet and sunn hemp. You’ll also look at using solar corridors for growing winter squash interseeded into corn.
The event also spend some time talking about The Land Connection’s Organic Grain Mentorship Program with Paul and Vickie. This mentorship program pairs experienced organic farmers with experienced conventional farmers looking to transition acres into organic to facilitate peer support and information sharing.
This field day is free to attend and lunch is included, but please register in advance to help us plan!
Event Date & Time
August 20, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm CDT
Event Location