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Bi-State Crops Conference

This annual event is held each December at the Beef House in Covington, IN. This year’s speakers include Barry Fisher-Building a Soil Health Management Plan and Hans Schmitz-Using soil health for resiliency during extreme weather events.


  • Building a Soil Health Management Plan
    Barry Fisher, Fisher Soil Health, LLC
  • Using soil health for resiliency during extreme weather events
    Hans Schmitz, Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative
  • Anhydrous Ammonia Risks and Regulations
    Kurt Lanzone, Purdue Extension
  • The Farm of the Future is Here
    Dennis Bowman, Illinois Extension


SPONSORED BY: Clean Water Indiana, Indiana Corn Marketing Council, Indiana Soybean Alliance, S.T.A.R. (Saving Tomorrow’s Agriculture Resources) and Vermillion-Parke Soil Health Alliance

Cost: $30 Cash or Check
PARP, CCH, & CEU credits available

  • Event Date & Time

    December 1, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm CST

  • Event Location

    Beef House Restaurant
  • Cost
