Advanced Conservation Drainage Training – Saturated Buffer Workshop and Field Day
JOIN US at the Illinois State University Farm for an in depth look at saturated buffers.
There are openings in the saturated buffer session of the Advanced Conservation Drainage Training series hosted by the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership and other partners in Summer 2018. Additional sessions on constructed wetlands and bioreactors will be held in July and August.
On June 14th, a classroom training will provide participants with (1) the science behind how saturated buffers work; (2) the technical knowledge associated with siting, designing, and constructing them; and (3) strategies to communicate and promote increased adoption of tile treatment practices in Illinois. We are recruiting a diverse cadre of trainees to enhance the learning experience and create a strong, continuing network of regional experts. For more information CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FLYER.
On June 15th, public field day will feature live installation of a saturated buffer. Lunch will be provided.
Contact: Adrienne Marino
309.636.3322 – adrienne.marino@tnc.org
Event Date & Time
June 14, 2018 @ 8:00 am - June 15, 2018 @ 1:00 pm UTC+0
Event Location
Illinois State University Farm -